Texaco-Metropolitan Opera's 56th Season
to be carried on
Classic KING-FM


The 56th consecutive season of live Texaco-Metropolitan Opera Saturday radio broadcasts will will be heard on Classic KING-FM through April 20, 1996, for a total of twenty Saturday matinee performances.

The twenty radio broadcasts of the 1995-96 season will be heard throughout the United States and Canada, and in addition, nineteen of the operas will be transmitted to many participating European countries including Russia. This will be the sixth season that the broadcasts have been transmitted abroad. Texaco's sponsorship of the Metropolitan Opera's Saturday afternoon performances, enhanced by the popular intermission features, constitutes the longest such partnership in broadcast history. Regarded as a treasured fixture of American cultural life, these broadcasts are the cornerstone of a unique, ongoing relationship between a leading corporation and a major national arts institution.

Peter Allen returns for his twenty-first season as the announcer for the weekly broadcasts, and Michael Bronson will be the producer of the popular intermission features including Texaco's Opera Quiz, and Opera News on the Air.

For more information, visit the Met's website.

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